Request Commissions and T.O.S

Request Commission

This is for individuals. If you represent a company, please contact me through my business email instead.

I can only take so many commissions at a time. Because of this, i open in batches, also known as slots. Regradless, you are always free to message me and ask if im open or if i can get you a quote. Sometimes i can also put people on lists.
Below are listed methods of contacting me. Discord is highly preferred. And the fastest.
The google form has been retired. If you submitted something to it and i did not get back to you then please message me.


last edited on March 8th, 2023_____________________________________________________________________If you represent a company and are not an individual, please email me at my work email instead: [email protected]. Contracted work for a group, corporation, or company is not considered the same as commission work. This area is not for contracted work.______________________________________________________________________I (Voxel/Vyrron) have the right to change these TOS at any timeGeneral:▶ Failure to follow rules/or break tos can result in refusal or cancelation of your commission.
▶ At no point in time may any of my work be used/minted/sold as an NFT. This includes any adopts, commissions, contracted work, personal characters or other things i have made. Any NFTs made of my work is stolen. I will never give permission to use my work as an NFT.
You may also not make an NFT of anything you purchase from me.
▶ I have the right to refuse to sell or work with you for any reason. I do not have to tell you why.
▶ I do not do refunds unless an emergency comes up. But am willing to consider refunds before a 50% completion point is achieved.
▶I cannot do artwork of content you do not own/copyrighted material. (without the owner's permission). This means no fandom/popular media commissions unless its a fan made character.
▶Prices are subject to change/flux depending on each individual piece.▶You must be at least 18 years of age OR have your parent/guardian's permission to use paypal.▶When explaining to me what you want, please use clear and proper writing that will be easy to understand. And provide as many refs as you can.
▶I do not do nsfw commissions. But suggestive material is ok. You must state your age for me to do suggestive material. I refuse to work with, or speak about, nsfw or suggestive content with those under the USA’s legal consent age of 18, REGARDLESS OF YOUR STATES/COUNTRIES YOUNGER LEGAL AGE.
Slots/Waiting list:▶I will only be accepting commissions in small chunks, aka, slots. I will work on one commission slot at a time. when #1 is finished, i will contact/start on #2, ect.▶When asking for a commission slot please have the money on hand. I do not usually do payment plans unless its for something above 200$. But i am willing to wait for you to get paid to take a commission. As long as its not more than 1 week.▶After you get a slot i will ask you to fill out a form to agree to this tos.Payment:▶My prices are listed in USD. If you use a different currency, please remember to convert my prices to your currency, so that you may accurately understand the price you will be paying.
▶I always use paypal invoices. I refuse to use any other method. This is for both of our safety.
▶Payment is due full upfront UNLESS the commission has an agreed to payment plan.Process:▶WIPs (work-in-progress) Will be sent to you periodically to make sure you are happy with your commission. These WIPS will have watermarks over them to prevent scamming of any kind. I cannot remove them. Once you have paid in full and/or and the commission is finished, i will remove the WIP watermark before sending you the final piece.▶Estimated time of completion for general commissions is 2 days to 1 month. Though this time can vary greatly depending on what the commission is.(unless an emergency arises where i cant draw for whatever reason) if the commission will take longer, i will tell you as soon as i can. If the commission will take MUCH longer, i will allow a refund or discount.▶If my file gets corrupted or somehow lost, I allow refunds or reworks, depending on how we decide to continue forward.-Customs Character Designs:General:
▶Customs can take around 1 week to 2 months, or longer. Depending on the complexity of the design and if a reference sheet is also requested.
▶I will not color-pick any images you give me, but i can use them as examples. I make custom colors/pallets.
▶I will not base customs on pre-existing designs unless its an alternate form or two-formed custom for a character you own.
▶While you may give me concept ideas you have made yourself, i will not use the entirety of that design. This is a custom. Not a ref commission.
▶When accepted, I will give you a form to fill out the full info you can provide on your idea.
▶I refuse to do customs that contain themes around subjects i am not ok with, or am unfamiliar with. This also includes a lot of cultural aspects. Because i have no right to use cultural aspects when i am not a part of that culture, or know nothing about it.
▶Prices for my species customs may be widely different from my normal custom prices.
Skire ranges from $300 to $1000+ or more. Anfernin ranges from $200-$800+.
▶I can refuse to make your custom for any reason. I do not have to tell you why.
▶Customs for species i own or admin for are restricted to only being open when i make a separate post for them. But you may still get quotes.
▶I cannot do the following with Skire customs:
1: I cannot add more traits to an existing design unless its two-formed.
2: I cannot use illegal traits like human teeth.
3: I cannot do splices.
4: There is 1 specific magic type i cannot use. I do not know if its been shown yet, so i wont mention its name.
I can do mostly anything else.
▶I refuse to use illegal/banned traits for Anfernin species; or take customs for npc species or barred- off sub-species (False Angels, Anfurnace, Poachers, Old anatomy Dels or Rabetas, ect).
▶I will not do customs with outdated anatomy for Dels or Rabetas.
▶Asking me to break rules when doing species customs will make me heavily reconsider finishing your custom.
▶ After the final art has been started on, i ask that no trait or other changes berequested. Unless it is something easy like a color tweak.-Other:▶I am normally off work on weekends and holidays.▶If you want a deadline for a birthday/gift,ect, you must commission me atleast 3 months in advance of due date.▶My art will always have my signature, my websites, and my watermark on it. I will not remove them. Do not remove them yourself.Usage/posting/copyright policy:▶I own the copyright/rights of what i make. Meaning:I, Vyrron hold copyrights of the commissioned piece. The commissioner may not reproduce their commissioned piece for use of profit in any way without permission from me. This includes things like poster/clothing/product printing to sell to other people. But you are free to do so if you want to make a shirt or poster for your own personal use.However, if you would like to do this via commissioning me specifically to make something like a shirt or album cover, i am open to discussion.
I am also ok with prints/products that are single use. You may get prints/products of your commission if its only intended for yourself.
▶Because i own the copyright, i can:.can use it in promotions
.can use it in videos, speedpaints, livestreams, artbooks, tutorials, ect.
.can display/post it on my various websites
▶The commissioner can:.Can use the commissioned piece for personal use, like icons or banners.
.Can claim the ownership of the characters in the commissioned piece, but not the artwork itself.
.Can Post the art anywhere they like, as long as linked credit is given.
.Can personally print commissioned pieces from public printing services, like Walmart, or local printing stores. If you want to do this, please ask me. Because some places like Walmart need the copyright holders permission. And i can give that to you.
.If you commissioned a digital badge from me you may have a printing service print if for you (for personal use), as I currently have no way to print it myself.
If you want a commission for a shirt, poster, or other, please state so. So i can set up my files properly.▶What you the commissioner cannot do (aka Copyright infringement):.You cannot make money off of your commission, in any form unless we have an agreement..Cannot trace, copy, or rip off, the art in the commissioned piece..Take credit for the commissioned piece..Altering the commissioned piece in any way, or having another artist edit it in any way, without my permission.
But You are free to edit adopt art i make without my permission. If it is under your ownership. But do not commission others to edit it for you.
.Remove watermark, signature, or website links. Or crop the image to get rid of these things.▶Canceling/refunding:.I have the right to cancel/refund a commission..If no money has been received or the commission has not been started, you can request a refund..Refunds cannot be requested if the commission is more than 50% completed..Cancellations/Refunds due to a personal emergency on either side is ok. Please have a conversation with me. If the commission is more than 50% completed then partial refunds can also be a thing..Chargebacks in a scam attempt will result in the cancellation of your commissioned piece and revoking of artwork and the rights to the artwork. Do not make any chargebacks without speaking to me first.